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2024-01-31 16:44:13
Pinball, 1973
By Murakami Haruki
Translated by Alfred Birnbaum
I used to love listening to stories about faraway places. It was almost
pathological. There was a time, a good ten years ago now, when I went
around latching onto one person after another, asking them to tell me about
the places where they were born and grew up. Times were short of people
willing to lend a sympathetic ear, it seemed, so anyone and everyone opened
up to me, obligingly and emphatically telling all. People I didn’t even know
somehow got word of me and sought me out.
It was as if they were tossing rocks down a dry well: they’d spill all kinds of
different stories my way, and when they’d finished, they’d go home pretty
much satisfied. Some would talk contentedly; some would work up quite an
anger getting it out. Some would put things well, but just as often others
would come along with stories I couldn’t make head nor tail of from
beginning to end. There were boring stories, pathetic tear-jerkers, jumbles of
half-nonsense. Even so, I’d hold out as long as I could and give a serious
listen. Everyone had something they were dying to tell somebody or sho......